Source: lib/generateRequest.js

'use strict';

const uuid = require('uuid').v4;

 *  Generates a JSON-RPC 1.0 or 2.0 request
 *  @param {String} method Name of method to call
 *  @param {Array|Object} params Array of parameters passed to the method as specified, or an object of parameter names and corresponding value
 *  @param {String|Number|null} [id] Request ID can be a string, number, null for explicit notification or left out for automatic generation
 *  @param {Object} [options]
 *  @param {Number} [options.version=2] JSON-RPC version to use (1 or 2)
 *  @param {Boolean} [options.notificationIdNull=false] When true, version 2 requests will set id to null instead of omitting it
 *  @param {Function} [options.generator] Passed the request, and the options object and is expected to return a request ID
 *  @throws {TypeError} If any of the parameters are invalid
 *  @return {Object} A JSON-RPC 1.0 or 2.0 request
 *  @memberOf Utils
const generateRequest = function(method, params, id, options) {
  if(typeof method !== 'string') {
    throw new TypeError(method + ' must be a string');

  options = options || {};

  // check valid version provided
  const version = typeof options.version === 'number' ? options.version : 2;
  if (version !== 1 && version !== 2) {
    throw new TypeError(version + ' must be 1 or 2');

  const request = {
    method: method

  if(version === 2) {
    request.jsonrpc = '2.0';

  if(params) {
    // params given, but invalid?
    if(typeof params !== 'object' && !Array.isArray(params)) {
      throw new TypeError(params + ' must be an object, array or omitted');
    request.params = params;

  // if id was left out, generate one (null means explicit notification)
  if(typeof(id) === 'undefined') {
    const generator = typeof options.generator === 'function' ? options.generator : function() { return uuid(); }; = generator(request, options);
  } else if (version === 2 && id === null) {
    // we have a version 2 notification
    if (options.notificationIdNull) { = null; // id will not be set at all unless option provided
  } else { = id;

  return request;

module.exports = generateRequest;