Source: lib/client/index.js

var Server = require('../server');
var utils = require('../utils');
var events = require('events');

 *  Constructor for a Jayson Client
 *  @class Client
 *  @extends require('events').EventEmitter
 *  @param {Server} server An instance of Server
 *  @param {Object} [options]
 *  @param {Function} [options.reviver] Reviver function for JSON
 *  @param {Function} [options.replacer] Replacer function for JSON
 *  @param {Number} [options.version=2] JSON-RPC version to use (1|2)
 *  @param {Function} [options.generator] Function to use for generating request IDs
 *  @return {Client}
var Client = function(server, options) {
  if(!(server instanceof Server) && arguments.length === 1) {
    options = server;
    server = null;
  if(!(this instanceof Client)) return new Client(server, options);

  var defaults = {
    reviver: null,
    replacer: null,
    generator: utils.generateId,
    version: 2

  this.options = utils.merge(defaults, options || {});

  if(server) this.server = server;
require('util').inherits(Client, events.EventEmitter);

module.exports = Client;

 * HTTP client constructor
 * @type ClientHttp
 * @static
Client.http = require('./http');

 * HTTPS client constructor
 * @type ClientHttps
 * @static
Client.https = require('./https');

 * TCP client constructor
 * @type ClientTcp
 * @static
Client.tcp = require('./tcp');

 * TLS client constructor
 * @type ClientTls
 * @static
Client.tls = require('./tls');

 *  Creates a request and dispatches it if given a callback.
 *  @param {String|Array} method A batch request if passed an Array, or a method name if passed a String
 *  @param {Array|Object} params Parameters for the method
 *  @param {String|Number} [id] Optional id. If undefined an id will be generated. If null it creates a notification request
 *  @param {Function} [callback] Request callback. If specified, executes the request rather than only returning it.
 *  @throws {TypeError} Invalid parameters
 *  @return {Object} JSON-RPC 1.0 or 2.0 compatible request
Client.prototype.request = function(method, params, id, callback) {
  var self = this;
  var request = null;

  // is this a batch request?
  var isBatch = Array.isArray(method) && typeof(params) === 'function';

  // JSON-RPC 1.0 doesn't support batching
  if (this.options.version === 1 && isBatch) {
    throw new TypeError('JSON-RPC 1.0 does not support batching');

  // is this a raw request?
  var isRaw = !isBatch && method && typeof(method) === 'object' && typeof(params) === 'function';

  if(isBatch || isRaw) {
    callback = params;
    request = method;
  } else {
    if(typeof(id) === 'function') {
      callback = id;
      id = undefined; // specifically undefined because "null" is a notification request

    var hasCallback = typeof(callback) === 'function';

    try {
      request = utils.request(method, params, id, {
        generator: this.options.generator,
        version: this.options.version
    } catch(err) {
      if(hasCallback) return callback(err);
      throw err;

    // no callback means we should just return a raw request
    if(!hasCallback) {
      return request;

  this.emit('request', request);

  this._request(request, function(err, response) {
    self.emit('response', request, response);
    self._parseResponse(err, response, callback);

  // always return the raw request
  return request;

 *  Executes a request on server bound directly
 *  @param {Object} request A JSON-RPC 1.0 or 2.0 request
 *  @param {Function} callback Request callback that will receive the server response as the second argument
 *  @private
Client.prototype._request = function(request, callback) {
  var self = this;

  // serializes the request as a JSON string so that we get a copy and can run the replacer as intended
  utils.JSON.stringify(request, this.options, function(err, message) {
    if(err) throw err;, function(error, success) {
      var response = error || success;
      callback(null, response);



 * Parses a response from a server
 * @param {Object} err Error to pass on that is unrelated to the actual response
 * @param {Object} response JSON-RPC 1.0 or 2.0 response
 * @param {Function} callback Callback that will receive different arguments depending on the amount of parameters
 * @private
Client.prototype._parseResponse = function(err, response, callback) {
  if(err) return callback(err);

  if(!response || typeof(response) !== 'object') {
    return callback();

  if(callback.length === 3) {

    // split callback arguments on error and response

    // is batch response?
    if(Array.isArray(response)) {

      // neccesary to split strictly on validity according to spec here
      var isError = function(res) { return typeof(res.error) !== 'undefined'; };
      var isNotError = function(res) { return !isError(res); };
      callback(null, response.filter(isError), response.filter(isNotError));
    } else {

      // split regardless of validity
      return callback(null, response.error, response.result);
  } else {

    return callback(null, response);
